Tag Archives: trout

Trout Season!

Trout season is finally here! The guys and girls have been stopping in the bait shop all week to get ready. The favorite spots are Buffalo Creek, Cowanshannok, Cherry Run, and Mahoning. Of course my fellow members will be hitting it hard at the Parks Township Sportsmen’s Association. Rumor has it they put some very nice trout in the lake this year! The weather is perfect and the fish should be biting. Hope to see you on the water!

Rollin on the River

As the weather warms up so does the fishing! The boys have been spotted on the Kiski in force. I was hangin with Bill over the weekend and he was catching some nice smallmouth bass. We are in the process of lobbying the PA Fish Commission to stock trout in the Kiski. As it stands we will continue to do it privately through the Kiski Watershed Association and the Parks Township Sportsmens Club. Our stocking will take place on April 21st at 5:30pm starting in Apollo at the Roaring Run Trail parking lot. Hope to see you there!

Think Spring!

No matter what the Groundhog says Spring is coming. The River’s Edge family can’t wait! As I sit here at the shop looking out at the river you would never know it is only 30 degrees outside! The sun is shining and the Kiski river looks way too inviting. I cannot wait for the chance to paddle again! It won’t be long now. Trout season is just around the corner.